Font Color Shortcut Word Mac


Does anyone know the shortcut to change the text color on Word 2011 on a Mac? I would like to ideally select a part of the text, press a key combination, and change the color of the text to the color in the Font toolbar. Shortcut Keys or Hotkeys for changing the paragraph alignment, style, etc. Without mouse movements come to rescue. Review the text formatting quickly using the Reveal Formatting task pane This feature allows you to quickly review the font and paragraph formatting (and section formatting) used in your text. Aug 17, 2018 Access Word’s keyboard shortcuts. First, you’ll need to access the settings for the keyboard shortcuts. 1) Open Microsoft Word on your Mac. 2) Click Tools from your menu bar. 3) Select Customize Keyboard. View Word’s keyboard shortcuts. A pop-up window should appear once you access the keyboard shortcuts. This is where the customizations. At present, color fonts are visible in Outlook 365 for Windows and Mac. The 365 version of Word, Excel and PowerPoint only show the monochrome versions of color symbols. Copy a color font image (from Microsoft’s own Segoe UI Emoji) to Word and you’ll get a plain monochrome version instead. Does anyone know the shortcut to change the text color on Word 2011 on a Mac? I would like to ideally select a part of the text, press a key combination, and change the color of the text to the color in the Font toolbar.

© Westend61/Getty Images Word keyboard shortcuts help you create, edit, save, and share your documents with a few quick key strokes. Westend61/Getty Images
  • Microsoft Word has many keyboard shortcuts that you can use to write, edit, and format documents quickly and easily.
  • These Word keyboard shortcuts let you perform common tasks like saving, inserting page breaks, and changing fonts without touching the mouse.
  • These 45 keyboard shortcuts work in the Word program on PCs and Macs, though you'll need to swap out any instance of 'Ctrl' with 'Command' when on a Mac.

Microsoft Word is a critical application in most businesses and home offices, but are you using it as efficiently as possible?

If you have to keep reaching for the mouse, you're slowing yourself down and hobbling your typing speed. Keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time, so here's a guide to the most useful keyboard shortcuts in Word you should start using today.

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Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

Using Word's ribbon shortcuts

The ribbon at the top of Word gives you access to virtually all the program's countless features, and you don't need your mouse to use it. Every ribbon command has its own keyboard shortcut. To use the ribbon entirely using your keyboard, do this:

1. Press and release Alt. You should see an overlay called Access Keys appear.

2. Press the Access Key indicated to switch to the Ribbon tab you want to use. For example, to switch to the Layout tab, you would press and release Alt, then press P.

3. Press the Access Key for the command you want to use. Some Access Keys are more than one keypress – press the keys in sequence. If there is yet another layer of choices, continue to press the appropriate keys. For example, if you wanted to open the Advanced Find window, you would press and release Alt, H, then F, followed by D, then A.

Word keyboard shortcut summary

You can use the ribbon shortcuts to perform virtually any task in Word, but you might often find the more traditional keyboard shortcuts more convenient to use. Here are the top 45 keyboard shortcuts in Word.

You can use this list for reference, and if you need a more detailed explanation of a shortcut, scroll down.

Note: This list works on both Windows and MacOS, but if you are using a Mac, wherever you see 'Ctrl,' press the Command key instead.

Working with documents

  • Open a document: Ctrl + O
  • Create a new document: Ctrl + N
  • Save the current document: Ctrl + S
  • Open the Save As window: F12
  • Close the current document: Ctrl + W
  • Split the window: Alt + Ctrl + S

Moving around in a document

  • Move the insertion point: Arrow
  • Move one word at a time: Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow
  • Move one paragraph at a time: Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow
  • Move to the beginning of the current line: Home
  • Move to the beginning of the document: Ctrl + Home
  • Move to end of the current line: Ctrl + End
  • Move to end of the document: Ctrl + End

Editing documents

  • Cut the current selection: Ctrl + X
  • Copy the current selection: Ctrl + C
  • Paste the contents of the clipboard: Ctrl + V
  • Bold: Ctrl + B
  • Italics: Ctrl + I
  • Underline: Ctrl + U
  • Underline words only: Ctrl + Shift + W
  • Center: Ctrl + E
  • Make the font smaller: Ctrl + [
  • Make the font bigger: Ctrl + ]
  • Change text to uppercase: Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Change text to lowercase: Ctrl + Shift K
  • Insert a page break: Ctrl + Enter
  • Add a hyperlink: Ctrl + K

Selecting text

  • Select everything in the document: Ctrl + A
  • Select text one character at a time: Shift + Arrow
  • Select text one word at a time: Ctrl + Shift + Arrow
  • Select from insertion point back to start of the line: Shift + Home
  • Select from the insertion point to end of the line: Shift + End
  • Enter selection mode: F8
  • Cut text to the spike: Ctrl + F3
  • Paste the spike: Ctrl + Shift + F3

Using tables

  • Move to the next cell: Tab
  • Move to the previous cell: Shift + Tab
  • Move to the first cell in a row: Alt + Home
  • Move to the last cell in a row: Alt + End
  • Move to the top of a column: Alt + Page Up
  • Move to the bottom of a column: Alt + Page Down

General tasks

  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y
  • Help: F1
  • Zoom: Alt + W, Q
  • Cancel: Esc

Word keyboard shortcuts explained

If you find that using a keyboard shortcut isn't apparent, refer to it in this expanded list for more information about it.

Working with documents

Open a document: Press Ctrl + O to open an existing document.

Create a new document: Press Ctrl + N to create a new, untitled document.

Save the current document: Press Ctrl + S to save the current document immediately.

Open the Save As window: Press F12 to open the Save As dialog box to save the document with a specific filename or in a new folder.

Close the current document: Press Ctrl + W to close the current document. If it hasn't been saved, Word will ask if you want to save it.

Split the window: Press Alt + Ctrl + S to split the current document so you can refer to or edit two parts on-screen. Press the keys again to close the split.

Moving around in a document

Move the insertion point: User the up, down, left, and right Arrow keys to navigate the insertion point anywhere in the document.

Move one word at a time: Press Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow to move the insertion point an entire word at a time to the left or right.

Move one paragraph at a time: Press Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow to move the insertion point an entire paragraph at a time up or down.


Move to the beginning of the current line: Press Home to move the insertion point to the start of the line.

Move to the beginning of the document: Press Ctrl + Home to move the insertion point to the start of the document.

Move to the end of the current line: How the grinch stole christmas torrent download. Press Ctrl + End to move the insertion point to the end of the line.

Move to the end of the document: Press Ctrl + End to move the insertion point to the end of the entire document.

Editing documents

Cut the current selection: Make a selection and then press Ctrl + X to cut it out of the document and place it in the clipboard.

Copy the current selection: Make a selection and then press Ctrl + C to copy it to the clipboard.

Paste the contents of the clipboard: Press Ctrl + V to paste the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point.

Bold: Press Ctrl + B to bold the selected text.

Italics: Press Ctrl + I to italics the selected text.

Underline: Press Ctrl + U to underline the selected text.

Underline words only: Press Ctrl + Shift + W to underline the selected text but not underline the spaces between words.

Center: Press Ctrl + E to center the line of text where the insertion point is located.

Make the font smaller: Press Ctrl and the left bracket ([) to make the font smaller one point at a time.

Make the font bigger: Press Ctrl and the right bracket (]) to make the font larger one point at a time.

Change text to uppercase: Press Ctrl + Shift + A to change the selected text to all uppercase.

Change text to lowercase: Press Ctrl + Shift K to change the selected text to all lowercase.

Insert a page break: Press Ctrl + Enter to insert a page break at the insertion point.

Add a hyperlink: Select text and then press Ctrl + K to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box to turn that text into a link. If you press Ctrl + K without selecting text first, you will need to specify the link text.

Selecting text

Select everything in the document: Press Ctrl + A to select the entire document.

Select text one character at a time: Press Shift + Arrow to select text to the left or right, one character at a time.

Select text one word at a time: Press Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select words one at a time to the left or right.

Select from insertion point back to start of the line: Press Shift + Home to select everything from the insertion point back to the start of the line.

Select from insertion point to end of the line: Press Shift + End to select everything from the insertion point forward to the end of the line.

Enter selection mode: Press F8 to enter selection mode. In this mode, every arrow movement or click of the mouse selects text, as if you were holding the Shift key down. To exit selection mode, press Esc.

Cut text to the spike: Press Ctrl + F3 to cut the selected text and move it to the spike. The spike is sort of like the clipboard, but it can hold multiple items. You can choose any number of items, add them to the spike, and then paste them elsewhere. If you want to add an item to the spike without cutting it from its original location, press Ctrl + F3 and immediate press Undo (Ctrl + Z). The item will remain in the spike.

Paste the spike: Press Ctrl + Shift + F3 to paste the spike at the insertion point in your document. Each item gets pasted onto its own line.

Using tables

Move to the next cell: Press Tab to move to the next cell in a table and select that cell.

Move to the previous cell: Press Shift + Tab to move to the previous cell in a table and select that cell.

Move to the first cell in a row: Press Alt + Home to move to the first cell in the current row.

Move to the last cell in a row: Press Alt + End to move to the last cell in the current row.

Move to the top of a column: Press Alt + Page Up to move to the first cell in the current column.

Move to the bottom of a column: Press Alt + Page Down to move to the last cell in the current column.

General tasks

Undo: Perhaps the most common shortcut of all time, Ctrl + Z will undo your last action.

Redo: Press Ctrl + Y to redo the last action, if possible. If Word can't repeat the action, nothing will happen.

Help: Press F1 to open the Help and Support pane.

Zoom: Press Alt + W and then press Q to open the zoom control to change the magnification of Word on your screen. This doesn't affect the size of the document on the printed page.

Cancel: Press Esc to abort any task you don't want to complete. In some cases, you may also need to click 'Cancel.'

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Even though WhatsApp supports voice and video calls, texting remains its core functionality. Be it Good Morning wishes, jokes, forwards, or important messages — people prefer to send them over text. And what better way to make them more powerful by using the text formatting?

No, we are not talking about modifying the text in WhatsApp Status, but referring to text messages. Here, we shall share some cool WhatsApp font tips and tricks to add a more dramatic effect to your messages.

Let’s begin.

1. Make Text Bold

WhatsApp comes with a built-in feature that lets you make your messages bold. You can make the text bold when you need to highlight a critical point.

To do so, add an asterisk (*) before and after the message. For instance, in the message Android is better than iOS, if you want to highlight the word better, you need to write it like this — Android is *better* than iOS. Once you do that, you will see that the text is now bold. Tap on Send.

2. Make Text Italic

Similarly, if you want to make the text italic, you can do that too. Italicizing a text is useful when you want to emphasize on an important part.

To do so, add underscore (_) before and after the text. For instance, in the message Be _careful_ what you wish for, the word careful will appear in italic.

3. Strikethrough Message

Sometimes you want to create a dramatic effect of striking out text to represent a correction or iteration. That is possible by adding a strike through your message.

To add a line on your message, place a tilde (~) on both sides of the word(s). Let’s say you want to write Instagram is the best social network by cutting Facebook. You need to enter the text like this ~Facebook~ Instagram is the best social network.

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4. Change Font

Other than the standard font, WhatsApp also supports Monospace font. However, there is no global setting in WhatsApp to change the font for every text. You need to change it individually for every message.

To change the font, enclose the text in three backticks (```). This is how the text should be ```How you doin'?```

Note: Do not leave space between the symbols and text.

Font Shortcut Word

5. Change Text Format Using WhatsApp Options

Instead of using the shortcuts to format the text, you can use the built-in settings. On Android, tap and hold the message and choose the appropriate formatting option. Tap on the three-dot icon to view other options. On iPhone, tap and hold the text and select the option that states BIU. Then choose the formatting option from bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace.

6. Combine Formatting Options

Whether you are using the shortcuts or the native settings, you can combine different formatting options for one word or sentence. Meaning, you can make the same text bold, italic, and even change its font to Monospace.

To do so, enclose the text in the respective symbols. The only thing you need to take care of is their order. The symbol that was entered first will be closed last. For instance, in this word *~_disney_~*, we have entered an asterisk first. Now we will now put it at the end.

Alternatively, use the touch and hold method to change the text format. First select one option, then highlight the text again and select another option.

Note: WhatsApp doesn’t support underlining the text.
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7. Change WhatsApp Font Size

Is the default font size of WhatsApp bothering you? Well, you can always change its size. Unlike other apps where the font size is limited to the device font, WhatsApp offers a native setting to change the text size.

Note: This feature is available on Android only.

To do so, follow the steps:

Step 1: On your Android device, open WhatsApp and tap the three-dot icon at the top right corner. Then select Settings from the menu.

Step 2: Go to Chats and tap on Font size. Select the font size of your choice from the three options — small, medium, and large.

Pro Tip: In the same setting, you can also change the WhatsApp language.

8. Send Colorful Messages

Another trick that is exclusive to Android devices is the ability to change text color. However, WhatsApp doesn’t officially support this feature. You need to download a third-party app called BlueWords. With the help of the app, you can make your text blue.

Download BlueWords

Mfreeeffectsbundle. Download the app on your device, and enter the text whose color you want to change in the typing area. Then tap the Blue option and touch the message to copy it. Go back to WhatsApp and paste the text that you copied.

Note: It’s not necessary for the receiver to have this app.

9. Stylish Font

While WhatsApp doesn’t support any other font other than Monospace, you can use the above-mentioned third-party app to change font styles as well. The app offers many choices. Just enter the text and copy paste it into WhatsApp.

Unlike Instagram, that offers multiple font styles for Stories, WhatsApp isn’t that cool. While it lets you change the font in text status, it doesn’t let you change the font in normal status. However, you can use the same app to change the font style in both types of status. Transformers 1 full movie in hindi download. For that, copy paste the text from the app to WhatsApp Status using the text tool.

Pro Tip

Font Color Shortcut Word Mac Free

: You can use this app to generate stylish fonts for Instagram bio as well.Font color shortcut word mac free
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6 Useful WhatsApp Forward Tricks You Must Know
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10. Type Using Emojis

Fan of emojis? Take that love to text level by typing everything in emojis. While it may not be a good way to text when you are using full sentences, you can use it for special messages.

You need to download a third-party app on your Android device that goes by the name Emoji Letter Maker. In the app, enter the letters and emojis. Then using the settings (plus) icon, modify it and share with others on WhatsApp.

Download Emoji Letter Maker

Word Change Color Shortcut

Not That Tricky

So these were some of the font tips you can use to customize your WhatsApp. When it comes to customization, WhatsApp lets you do other things as well. For instance, you can change the background, set custom notification tones for contacts, set a different tone for groups and even change the notification light color.

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Change Font Shortcut Word

Also See#Read more about WhatsApp #customization

Font Color Shortcut Word Mac Shortcut

Did You Know

The founders of WhatsApp, Jan Koum and Brian Acton, were both rejected by Facebook and Twitter in interviews.

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