Pankajakasthuri For Asthma


It becomes common for elderly persons to have breathing problems such as the asthma, wheezing, bronchitis, allergy. Many people say surgery is the only solution to cure some of them which is actually wrong. You can cure them without any can know about the pankajakasthuri breathe eazy. This item: 2 X Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy Granules Weezing, Asthma 200g X 2= Net.400g $16.00 ($1.14 / 1 Ounce) Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Here you can know about Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy benefits, side effects, ingredients and full review about the syrup It becomes common for elderly persons to have breathing problems such as the asthma, wheezing, bronchitis, allergy etc. Many people say surgery is the only solution to cure some of them which is actually wrong. Here you can know about Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy benefits, side effects, ingredients and full review about the syrup It becomes common for elderly persons to have breathing problems such as the asthma, wheezing, bronchitis, allergy etc.

Pankajakasthuri Breathe Eazy Supplement

Pack Size: 400 gm

Respiratory diseases are not to be just cured, but up rooted completely. Diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, wheezing etc. take your daily life off the track and puts you at the mercy of inhalers and bronchodilators. Breathe eazy offers long-lasting relief from respiratory ailments of all kinds. Rooted in the ancient science of Ayurveda, it is a unique product that makes life easy without having to carry inhalers around or abstain yourself from climbing stairs for the fear of losing breath.

Today, pollution has become an inevitable fact of life. Breathing problems, Asthma,Running Nose, Cold, Allergic Cough, Sneezing ,etc. are more common now a days due to pollution. However,Pankajakasthuri offers you a sure remedy; Breathe Eazy, based on an age- old formula. By combining rare herbs and ingredients prescribed by the ancient ayurvedic texts.

Breathing disorders occurs when the bronchioles in the lungs shrink (Bronchospasm ) and there by makes breathing difficult , Breathe eazy works on the shrunken bronchioles, expanding them ( Bronchodialation ),clearing phlegm(expectoration) and promoting uniform air passage in the lungs.

It’s unique and time tested traditional yet Ayurvedic formula harnesses phyto nutrients and antioxidants like xanthones which helps building immunity, thereby improving the ability to breathe well.


Its regular use builds immunity against asthma, allergic bronchitis, eosinophlia, sneezing and chronic – cough. Shallow breathing, Bronchitis, Eosinophilia, Cough, Cold and for building body resistance against diseases and pollution.


Allergic Bronchitis


Cough and

For building body resistance to diseases


Each 15g of granule is prepared out of:

Piper nigrum - 500mg

Piper longum - 500mg

Pankajakasthuri For Asthma

Zingiber Officinale - 500mg

Elettaria cardamomum - 500mg

Cinnamomum cassia - 500mg

Withania somnifera - 500mg

Tamarindus Indica - 500mg

Cuminum cyminum - 500mg

Aegle marmelos - 5gm

Adhatoda vasica - 5gm

Terminalia chebula - 4gm

Terminalia belerica - 3gm

Pankajakasthuri For Asthma Medicine


Tragia involucrata - 3gm

Rubia cordifolia - 3gm

Sugar candy - 5gm


Adult: 1 tablespoon (15 g) twice daily (after breakfast and dinner).

Children: Half the adult dosage.(advised to have it mixed with milk or honey).

Asthma is an inflammation of the airways, thus making breathing difficult. Coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are a few symptoms of asthma.

Understanding triggers: There’s no single cause of asthma. It is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. What can trigger asthma for one person may not trigger it for someone else. Triggers vary from one person to another. Substances that cause allergies (allergens) can trigger asthma. Outdoor allergens like pollens and indoor allergens, such as pet dander, dust mites, and mold can trigger asthma. Smoke from cigarettes, strong perfumes, and air pollution such as smog are a few environmental triggers. Respiratory illnesses like cold, influenza, sore throats, and pneumonia can also set off asthma attacks. Some medicines and food can also act as triggers.

Avoid triggers: Avoiding triggers is the best way to prevent an asthma episode. However, it’s a daunting task to keep these triggers at bay. Here’s a list of common triggers and how you can avoid them:

Pollens:If your child is allergic to pollens, then avoid outdoor activities during pollen season. Keep all car and house windows closed and use the air-conditioning.

Dust mites: Dust mites are insect-like creatures. They enter and strive inside mattresses, carpets, and sofas. Humid conditions are conducive for such creatures to thrive. The best way to prevent allergy symptoms caused by dust mites is to vacuum your sofa, mattress, and curtains from time to time. Place your mattresses in a dust-proof cover. Also, wash all bedding in hot water.

Keep pets outside: Furry animals can trigger an asthma episode. Dander or the proteins in the skin flakes, saliva, faeces, and urine can trigger asthma symptoms. If you don’t want to give away your family pet, then try to keep the animal out of the bedroom and off the furniture. Also, it’s important to bath them frequently.


Mold and mildew: Keep high-moisture areas like kitchen, bath, and basement clean. Use dehumidifier to reduce indoor humidity.


Smoke: There should be a strict no-smoking rule in the house. The smoke of cigarettes often is trapped in enclosed areas and can flare-up an asthma episode. Opt for non-smoking eating joints.

Strong perfumes and odours: Avoid things that have a strong smell, such as deodorants, perfumes, hair spray, and fresh paint.

Food allergies: Certain foods, such as milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish can trigger asthma symptoms. Allergy tests are the best way to know what's causing your asthma symptoms.

Know when to visit emergency care?

Feeling out of breath, even when you're not moving; trouble doing normal activities; not feeling better after using your rescue inhaler - are a few symptoms that suggest that the Asthma attack needs immediate medical attention. If left untreated, this can be deadly.

Diet suggestion for patients with Asthma:

A balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight can make it easier to manage the condition. Adding a diet rich in vitamin D like salmon, milk and fortified milk, fortified orange juice, and eggs help in reducing the frequency of attacks. Food items rich in vitamin A like carrot, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and spinach are also recommended.

Best types of exercises for patients suffering from Asthma:

Even though exercise is a common asthma trigger; but, no exercise is also not good for the condition. Activities that involve a lot of exertion like football, hockey, and basketball should be avoided. One can engage in exercises that do not make him/her lose breath.

However, do not start any exercise program without consulting your doctor. He/she will help you decide what activities are best suited for your condition. Swimming at an indoor pool can be a great physical activity for children with asthma.


Pankajakasthuri For Asthma Reviews

Ayurvedic remedies to manage the condition

You can check Pankajakasthuri’s Breathe Eazy tablets and Syrup to manage the symptoms of the respiratory diseases such as Asthma and Bronchitis.

To check the details of the Breathe Eazy tablets visit

To check the details of the Breathe Eazy syrup visit