Sap Scc7


Goto to SCC7 for POST CLIENT IMPORT METHODS and START IMMEDIATELY and then click Continue. Use vi editor to maintain default client and take a restart of SAP R3 system. Alert Moderator; Assigned tags. Related Blog Posts. Related Questions / 4 Comments. You run transaction SCC7 and you immediately get an error pop-up saying 'Client has not yet been generated by a data import'. Alternatively you may see the. SAP Transaction Code SCC7 (Post-Client Import Methods) - SAP TCodes - The Best Online SAP Transaction Code Analytics.

Export SAP Users and Authorizations:

1) Logon to the target SAP system in the client you want to save and go to transaction SCC8.

2) Select the SAP_USER profile and the Target System,

3) Click the Schedule as Background Job button and then check Immediately.

4) Click the Schedule Job button, click Continue.
If this system has more than 1 server, set Background Server to the Central Instance Server

5) Make a note of the KT transport number shown on the next window. The KT transport is for transporting client specific data.

Sap Scc7

6) The status of the export can be found using transaction SCC3.

7) After the export completes in SCC3, check the transport logs for the KT transport in SE01. The export is not finished until the “export” step shows completed successfully.

8) For systems with more than one client, you will need to follow the above steps on each client to create a transport of the users for each client.

Import SAP Users and Authorizations:

Note: This procedure assumes the Users were exported and Transport created before the client copy

Sap Client Import Scc7

1) Import the appropriate user Transport for each Client (i.e. 100, 900, 910 etc) from CMD Prompt .
Import needs to be done from CMD prompt (Not STMS), and while import is running, log off of the system as all IDs will be deleted and recreated with the import.

In the examples below a full system was assumed. If you are only importing users from a Client Copy there will only be one transport.


For All R3 Systems

tp addtobuffer xxxKT0aaaa u1 pf=

tp addtobuffer xxxKT0bbbb u1 pf=

tp addtobuffer xxxKT0cccc u1 pf=

tp addtobuffer xxxKT0dddd u1 pf=

tp import xxxKT0aaaa client pf=
tp import xxxKT0bbbb client pf=

tp import xxxKT0cccc client pf=

tp import xxxKT0dddd client pf=

2) After the import is complete, Logon to the SAP GUI for each Client as SAP*

Sap Scc7

Execute Transaction: SCC7

Sap Scc7

If a message pops up that this is a Production Client and protected from Client Copies

Go into SM31 and table T000 and change Client to “Test”

Sap Scc7

Ensure the Transport that is displayed is the Transport you imported in previous step

Select “Execute in Background”

Monitor to completion in Transaction: SCC3

Repeat this process for each Client Transport Exported/Imported

Change Target Client back to “Production” – If necessary